Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Analysis on diversity

The article I am going to analyze for the week is about a school in Mississippi which is has now been mandated to integrate races at there school.

The article shows the stereotypes of whites in the South because the school district allows segregation by allowing many white students to transfer out of the school district they live to a school that is now identified as predominantly white.  This is a stereotype of whites in the South because during the Civil Rights movement 40 years ago, much of the demonstrations took place in the South because that is where much racism existed at the time.

The article describes the segregation of the public schools by saying there were "'clustered'" students with "'disproportionate numbers of white students into designated classrooms' at elementary schools".  The article also says that the school that allows white students to transfer out if they choose is "'...predominately black.'"

I did not know that school's still allowed there to be "segregation" during the 21st Century.  I'm also surprised to read that this was an issue that had been going on for a while, since this has been an issue since 1970, that had been dismissed since there was little activity in the ongoing case.  I believe this is something, that since it is illegal to have segregation, that should have been looked at in greater detail after it was brought to the courts attention.  It should not have occurred this long.

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