Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Australian mom gives son alcohol

An Australian mom gave her 5-year-old son alcohol and caused him to become drunk on Tuesday Feb. 2.  The young boy's blood alcohol level was at 0.9 when he arrived at the hospital according to Fox 9 News.  The alcohol that the 33-year-old mother, Kylie Eastwood, served her son was home brewed and the majority was ethanol alcohol.  Eastwood said that her son enjoyed drinking alcohol and only wanted a drink.

Eastwood is not serving time in jail for serving her son alcohol, but did plead guilty to reckless endangerment of her son.  This is not the mother's first run in with the law with alcohol involvement.  In July of 2008, Eastwood left her 3 children home alone in order to go out with a friend and drink.  She also refused a breath test in 2005 and had her license suspended.

Eastwood, herself, did not take part in drinking with her son and has been abstinent since September 2009.

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