Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Slide show analysis

The slide show I analyzed tells the story of how the fashion in movies has influence the popular media over the years.  The slide show contains 12 pictures and titles with different popular film stills and how they have influenced the fashion of reality.

The first five slides are the most related to the title of the slide show which is "Film's Influence on Fashion, Then and Now".  The slides show pictures of the films like "Saturday Night Fever" and "Out of Africa" and how the fashion of Meryl Streep and John Travolta started a frenzy among the population.  This is greatly seen when you look back on fashions history and even some of the collections of fashion designers.  The captions of the others are obvious and not giving much detail that we cannot see for ourselves.  There were captions explaining that women enjoyed "slinky midi-skirts, twin sets, and jaunty berets..." which the readers can see for themselves from the picture.  As the pictures go on in the shows the details in the descriptions become less, not improving on the beginning descriptions which I do not really enjoy.

As for telling a story, the captions are used well buy giving the title of the film still that is on the page.  Some of the captions also explain if the film is nominated for an Oscar which were held on March 8.  The eighth picture of the slide show, for example, is a still from the film "Bright Star" which was nominated for Best Costume Design at the this years Academy Awards.  I believe this is also a good use of space because people want to know what films are nominated for which categories.

I believe the space that the author had to use, being limited, was used well.  Some of the captions at the end of the slide show could have used a bit more detail rather than simply stating the title of the movie.  The author could have said which fashion era the movie had an influence on.  I was partially confused, however, when I saw that films such as "Bright Star" and "Nine" were used in the slide show because both of those movies take place in the past and are less likely to have an influence on our fashion now.  I believe with the title of the slide show that the films used should have referred to the fashion era when the film was released.

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